Five Free Garden Garden Fertilizers You Already Have

Fertilizers for your garden can get expensive. What most people don’t realize is they already have some of the best fertilizer ingredients at home already. Even better, they’re eco-friendly. In fact, I often find myself chuckling in the aisle of the home and garden store. What’s so funny? It’s those bags of expensive fertilizer. Seriously, folks, you can do without the expense.
You can also do without the chemicals. Your lawn and garden will thank you for the break. Try reaching for these five free garden fertilizers instead. Likely, you already have the green ingredients right in your kitchen.
- Fertilize your garden with ecofriendly tea and coffee grounds. Don’t throw away your old coffee grounds and used tea leaves. Just work them right into the garden soil. Tea and coffee contain nitrogen in natural form to fertilize your lawn and garden. Why let grounds go to waste in the landfill? I have a spare can full in the kitchen at all times. Not only can it be used for the lawn and garden, it’s great for houseplants too.
- Unsalted peanut shells are another unusual free fertilizer. Ground peanut shells make great green mulch and amend soil too. Once again, these are a safe source of nitrogen. Why pay for high dollar fertilizer when you can get it for free? You can chop the shells up in the blender and mix into soil. You can also leave them whole and spread as mulch. Eat peanuts in the shell. It’s good for you and your garden. Plus, the lack of waste makes it environmentally sound.
- Citrus peels make an outstanding free fertilizer. Hopefully, your fridge is stocked with citrus fruit, for your own good health. Once again, what’s good for you is good for your plants. Citrus peels contain nitrogen. They also contain phosphorus and potassium. Loads of it. They’re also naturally biodegradable. So, next time you peel an orange, save the peels for your garden, lawn and houseplants. Just spread all of them around the garden as a natural green fertilizer.
- Stop! Don’t throw out that cooking water. It’s a fantastic free fertilizer. Cooking pasta or potatoes? Drain the leftover water into a bowl, rather than dumping it down the drain. Guess what? It contains starches and nutrients plants will soak up. Your garden will thrive on it. Not only that, you save water by upcycling this mess into free fertilizer. It’s ecofriendly in two ways.
- Here’s a free kitchen scrap puree fertilizer recipe. Sounds yummy, doesn’t it? It’s not. Your plants will love it, though. If you know it’s time to fertilize tomorrow, start this ecofriendly “recipe” now. Just pour a cup of water into your blender. All day long, add your kitchen scraps to the pitcher, blending as you go. No meat and fish. Think vegetarian. You can add eggshells to the mix. They’re high in calcium. Next day, pull the pitcher off the blender and give your plants a healthy green drink.
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