Pickled Radish Canning Recipe

Most people don’t have a lot of experience with radishes, and I’ll be honest – I didn’t either until I started gardening. They’re a great quick crop, can be used as a cover crop and you can plant them multiple times in a season for a continuous harvest. Their spicy peppery flavor is a great addition to salads and other dishes – but what do you do with all of the extra if you grow too many?
Because radishes do so well in almost every climate – they are one of those crops you can actually direct sow before your last frost date. And that’s exactly what we did. One a cold, half snowy day I went out and tossed a bunch of radish and turnip seeds in my onion and garlic bins – just to see what would come of them. And the result was an early crop of radishes (and soon-to-be turnips) to enjoy! They required little effort and helped add nutrients back into the soil for the other items we’re growing.

So with a first bumper crop of radishes, I’ve started to work down my list of recipes for the year and start stocking the shelves and freezer. These little root vegetables are not only easy to grow but can add so much flavor to your dishes. And every part of them is edible or can be used in a recipe or in different ways.

The greens? They were washed and frozen. Simple wash and dry them, wrap them in a paper towel and pop them in a freezer back to use for up to 3 months from now. They’re great for adding some spice to your salads or to cook with garlic and herbs for a wilted green. They can even be used in a version of pesto that will change how you look at that dip!
The actual tops and root end of the radishes? Add them to the bag of veggie scraps in the freezer for future vegetable stock. This leaves very little waste to these veggies and you can do this with every round of radishes you get!
What can you use pickled radishes on? Pork tacos, your burgers, or really any recipe that just needs a little zing of flavor! Not only do they add a pop of color to your dishes but some flavor that will quickly become one of your favorites.

- 6 cups of Radishes – cleaned and sliced thinly
- 2 Garlic cloves sliced thin
- 1 Small Onion, sliced thin
- Black Peppercorn, 6 per jar
- 1/4 tsp Red Pepper Flakes, per jar
- 1/4 tsp Celery seeds, per jar
Pickling Solution Ingredients
- 2 Tbsp Pickling Salt (or kosher, non-iodized)
- 1/3 cup white sugar
- 1 cup water
- 2 cups White Vinegar
- In sterilized and prepared jars, add the peppercorn, red pepper flakes, and celery seeds.
- Pack remaining space with sliced radishes, garlic, and onions.
- Top with pickling solution.
- Can with the water bath method below for 15 minutes for shelf-stable pickled radishes.

Canning Instructions:
- Place 6 clean pint mason jars on a rack in your stockpot – you may have to process 6 at a time. Fill the jars and a stockpot with cool water until it completely covers the top of the jars. Cover and put on medium heat. Simmer but do not boil.
- Prepare 6 lid sets, put the bands aside, and put the flat lids in a small saucepan, and put on medium heat. Do not boil, but keep warm through the whole process.
- Clean and slice all of your radishes
- Add the garlic, celery seeds, peppercorns, and hot pepper flakes to each jar. Fill the remaining jars with sliced radishes.
- Pour hot pickling solution over the top of each radish mixture. Fill each jar with sauce leaving 1-inch headspace.
- Take the small magnet tool and remove flat lids from their hot bath. Place over top of each jar. By hand screw on the collars, but not too tight! Remember some air still needs to get out of each jar.
- Place your rack inside your pressure canner, and set your filled jars on top. Pour in 2-3 inches of hot water. Close your lid.
- Place the jars back into the hot stockpot and replace the lid. Turn your temperature up to high. When it starts to do a rolling boil, start a timer for 15 minutes.
- After the jars have been processed for 15 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the lid to the pan. Let cool for 5 minutes. Remove all the jars without tipping them and place them back on the towel. Remember – don’t towel them off!
- Let sit undisturbed in one location for at least 24 hours, check your seals, and label them with the date and recipe name. Store for up to 18 months.
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