What is a Subpod and Why Your Garden Needs One

Every year we plan the garden we want, and often need more space after we do our initial planting. It’s this unending loop that most gardeners are in – we need more space and we want it to be functional. Last season I swore I wasn’t going to expand the garden, but of course the inevitable happened. I needed more space and I wanted something different.
This is about the same time I received an email from Subpod about working together. I had just started my compost journey and had ordered a large tumbler for the garden. The problem we kept running into was it smelled and even after I moved it to a more concealed location it was more of an out of sight and out of mind situation and wasn’t turned properly. I wanted something different, better and a way to control the smell of compost at the same time.
What is a Subpod and Why You Need One

Subpod fits all of the needs of the home gardener – a convienent way to make compost at home without the large tumbler or compost area taking up space. It’s a compost system and bin that not only goes into the ground or a planter but also helps feed the soil at the same time. It turns your compost into food for the bed you are growing in or to help rebuild the soil around it.
The full size Subpod system has two different chambers inside so you can fill, rotate and mix your soil and keep a constant flow of compost and food for your garden. The top sitting above the soil allows for proper air flow, and the interior worm blankets keep it (and the worms) from over heating inside. The holes throughout the sides allow the worms to easily enter and exit the sytem getting food and breaking things down as they go.
In short – the sytem is intelligent design that allows your garden to take advantage of the benefits of composting immediately. All while providing you with an odorless compost system – perfect for small gardens or yards!
Why Choose the Grow Bundle?

There really are a couple reasons we went with the Subpod grow bundle. The first was we have heavy clay soil and I didn’t want to dig 2 feed deep into heavy wet clay to insert the Subpod. I’m not going to lie the whole thought of that dig was overwhelming. I could have added the Subpod to my existing beds, but they were already planted. So not only would I went up with another bed to grow more veggies and herbs in, but I would have a compact compost system that helped it grow.
Installation was really easy – it was as easy as assemble the bed and place it, fill and add the Subpod and finish filling dirt to the right level. It only took an hour to get the new bed and everything in place. It was quick and easy.
I will admit, even with the Subpod taking up some space in the center, I was shocked at how much dirt I required for this project. I under purchased – but that is a normal issue for gardeners. So always buy more than you think you need.
Even in a short amount of time I was amazed at how quickly things seemed to grow in my Subpod bed and often it over took the whole unit. So one thing I will be doing differently this year is planting shorter items near the area where I open the composter and reach in. But I loved how well everything did in the unit with minimal feeding. But most of all – I love the fact that the compost is available and odorless – so no complaints from us or our neighbors!
Can I get a Discount?

Of course, you can! We know that having a garden isn’t as cheap as we’d like – so any discount is appreciated. We may never fully admit how much we spend on our gardens each year. That’s why we partnered with Subpod last year not only to share how great their product is and how we’ve used it in our garden. But to give people a chance to try out this great gardening system in their own garden.
Head to the Subpod Website right now to check out their different options. We highly recommend the Subpod Grow Bundle like we have, but the mini system is fantastic when you don’t have a lot of space.
You can also use code WEEK99ER to save on your order!
We’re excited to get to garden again here in Metro-Detroit, and will do an update on our Subpod system soon with a video to show you how well things have done in it. This system may be one of our favorites in the garden at this point.
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